Busting Excuses: Why You Deserve a Boudoir Experience

When we get nervous, we make excuses. That is totally normal, we're all human! We overthink, doubt ourselves, and run away from what we truly desire. Girl, we get it!! It's easy not to put yourself first, you have long hours at work, are running around with the kids, or are just "too busy". "I want to lose 10lbs first!", "I don't think I can look like that", "I just don't have the money right now!". These are all things we've heard, and we're here to show you that no matter the excuse, you CAN do it! Let us show you that no matter the excuse, you are worthy of self-love no matter how much you weigh, what you look like, or what your bank account says!

"I don't have enough time for myself"

In a world that often emphasizes putting others before ourselves, it's crucial to remember the importance of choosing and loving ourselves. It's time to break free from the chains of self-doubt and start acknowledging that you are deserving of love, respect, and happiness! Trust us, we've been there love! Sometimes you need someone to look you in the face and say, "SLOW DOWN, give yourself grace and breathe for a minute".

We are that "someone". At your boudoir session, you're able to breathe, and love yourself for a few hours! Not only are we your hype girls, we genuinely care about your experience and how we can help support and empower you as a woman. Once you start saying "Yes" to yourself, it's a game changer! This is where your radiance really shines through, and can you imagine being glammed up and fully present in your body?! WE'RE HERE FOR IT!

Remember, it is only by choosing to love yourself that you can truly unlock your full potential and lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

"I'm not where I want to be with my weight or my fitness goals.."

If your're thinking this, let us tell you why this doesn't matter! You don't have to conform to the societal standards of "beauty" or strive for a specific body type to feel worthy of this empowering experience. Once you see yourself through a lens of self-acceptance and love, you will appreciate the beauty that lives in every curve, freckle, and wrinkle. And once you see these photos of yourself, I promise you, your jaw will DROP!!

Your body tells a story, and every inch of it is worthy of admiration. We are here to help embrace your journey and the person you are right now. We're celebrating YOU and reminding you that you are enough, just as you are.

"Sexy isn't "me" and I don't look good in lingerie.."

Let us tell you why this excuse is the EXACT reason why you SHOULD do a boudoir session.

We often lose touch with our femininity and sexuality when life gets crazy because of health/kids/work, etc! This is absolutely normal and okay, you're not alone sis! One of the best ways to find this side of ourselves again and get back in touch with our femininity is to do a boudoir session and ignite that fire again!

Also remember that you don't HAVE to wear super sexy lingerie during your session. You can wear whatever you feel most comfortable and confident in! We walk you through this with a wardrobe prep guide and encourage you to wear what feels most like YOU! This can look like lingerie sets, bodysuits, cowboy boots, you name it!

"A boudoir session is an investment and I don't have all that money right now."

Yes, it IS an investment. It is also an investment in yourself. You are investing in your self-worth, your confidence, and this is something you will remember forever. We even offer interest-free payment plans, making it easier to book your boudoir session and do the damn thing!